Federal Service

for Military-Technical Cooperation

AD Equipment
Podlyot-E (48Ya6-K1E Index)Automated Three-Dimensional Low-Altitude All-Round Scan Radar Station


Podlyot-E automated three-dimensional low-altitude radar station is designed for utilization in automated and non-automated AD and AF units for performance of tasks related to automatic (semi-automatic) detection, coordinate measurement, tracking, state identification (recognition) and acquisition of flight information on the air-borne targets, inclusive of those made with Stealth technology under intensive jamming conditions.



The RS has the following specific features:

  • RS equipment ensures high extent of automation of target detection and operation control processes;
  • it ensures recognition of the target classes based upon energy, correlation, spectrum and path signs;
  • it has high jamming resistance due to different operation modes and signal processing algorithms;
  • integrated automated operational control system allows for continuous fault detection and RS condition data output.